Thursday, November 10, 2011

Relationships- Don't take the bad out on the food!

Relationships often play a big part in the kinds of food you eat. They also contribute to how much you eat, and how often you are eating throughout the day. Whether it is double the amount you would normally eat, or a sudden urge to attack that whole chocolate cake on the counter, you can't control your habits because of what is going on in your personal life. You have so many thoughts going on in your mind, and food is there to comfort you.

I know this feeling. I have dealt with this.

Relationships with anyone can cause some madness in your appetite: a relationship with a significant other, co-worker, parent, sibling, etc. These people know your weak spots and sometimes use them to their advantage. These are also people you deal with on a daily basis that know you inside and out. It is hard for you to keep your stress level low because of someone and you bring it home with you.

Right now, I am having trouble with my father. This has been a lifelong struggle with us. However, it was not until recently that I have been able to deal with it in a "better" manner. Rather than screaming and yelling and then going home and wanting fried food or ice cream, I have been able to realize that yes, words do hurt, but I do not have to listen to those words. I do not have to talk to him. I will not let myself go down the road I had been down years ago- I do not need to pick up the phone knowing someone wants to bring me down, and neither do you! Whether it is a parent; significant other; sibling- you do not need the extra stress in your life!

Miserable people like to make everyone else miserable. When someone is not happy with themselves how can they be happy for other people? They cause unnecessary stress and aggravation and it takes a toll on your body and appetite. It took me a long time to realize this, and sometimes I have to remind myself of this. It is not you; it is the person making you this way.

So you are probably wondering: “how do you maintain happiness and sanity when dealing with someone so "toxic"?” For me- sometimes I need to go running to clear my head. Sometimes it just helps to cry or scream. Everyone is different and everyone takes it out differently. Instead of picking up that fork to eat something you would not be eating normally, or not eating anything at all for days at a time, do something physical and think about your true relationship with this person. Are they really there for you or are they there for themselves? Do you get anything positive out of talking to them? Once you figure out what makes you happy it will make it easier to get rid of the things that bring you down. Things that bring you to that place you don't want to go to.

Emotions make you do things that you would not otherwise do; such as eating too much, eating too little, or even binging and eating. These give you control of something because you are lacking control in another area of your life. You need to stop and think about what is going on in your life to make you do these things. I can guarantee it is not really your stomach wanting or needing the food or wanting to take those actions. There is a deeper meaning behind things and it is up to you to want to figure them out; by yourself or by talking to someone else.

Don't let someone make you into something you're not. Be the healthiest and happiest that you can be, even if it means ending that relationship!

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