Wednesday, November 23, 2011

No overeating this Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is here! Can you believe it? I can't!! This year has gone by way too fast and with the holidays right around the corner, it is easy to gain the dreaded "winter" weight! Considering I am planning a wedding for next year, I do not want to allow myself, or my fiancée, to gain that extra weight this year. It is not what we are eating at home- because for the most part we consume healthy, organic, well balanced meals- It is what we are eating when we go out, or worst of all, when we go to family's house for all the good holiday food.

So how can we still enjoy without over eating and gaining that extra weight?

To start, I know everyone eats many delicious things before the actual Thanksgiving or holiday dinner. I know my family has little appetizers in the living room that are quite tempting to munch on during the game, or the parade. Don't fill up on these little guys! These mini foods contain lots of extra calories that your body does not need! Start with one or two on a small plate. If there are vegetables out- stick with them. I like to have colorful veggies- (tomatoes, carrots, celery) and hummus on the table, that way I know there is something healthy for people to snack on!

Move around! Get up off the couch and take a walk into the kitchen to see if anyone needs help. Offer to do the dishes. Play a game of football outside with friends or family. Even suggest a board game to stimulate your brain, while your stomach is working on digestion. The more you move around, and are away from the foods, the less likely you will be tempted overindulge.

When it comes sitting down for the big meal, start off with a salad loaded with colors. The more colors in a salad, the more nutrients your body is getting.

Now it is time to dig into the yummy holiday foods. We all know these yummy foods are most likely the ones loaded with carbs. Instead of loading on the mashed potatoes, start by making an effort to not fill up your entire plate. You do not need every inch of it covered, and if you feel like you do, make sure you have healthy proportions. I like to follow the new USDA MyPlate. It shows that vegetables should take the majority of the plate. Check it out!

You can also avoid overindulging by avoiding the heavy, rich holiday drinks- such as egg-nog. It will fill you up fast and it is not good for you!

By following these small suggestions, you should be able to have a hearty meal and not be over-stuffed with the bad!

Have a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

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