Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why a green smoothie to start the day?

Do you feel tired and run down in the morning, even though you had a full nights rest?  Like many of us, you may have gotten your 8 hours of sleep, but because you are not getting enough of the right nutrients that your body needs, you are feeling it when you wake up and throughout the day.  Yes, it can be difficult to eat the recommended servings of food a day, so why not start the day with a healthy dose of vegetables and fruits in a delicious green smoothie? Sounds gross, I know, but I can tell you that it is a tasty drink that will have you feeling more energetic for the rest of the morning and day!
Green vegetables are high in vitamin C, chlorophyll and fiber. They contain vitamin A, calcium, iron and antioxidants.  Because we are not getting a lot of these in our regular diets, drinking green smoothies on a daily schedule builds a healthy habit of eating greens. By adding 2 to 3 cups of organic or locally grown greens you do not have to eat all the salads with the oily dressing on it.  There are many greens that you can add including kale, parsley, spinach, bok choy etc. Or as an alternative to leafy greens you can try spirulina or wheat grass. I would recommend starting off with fruits and a green you know you like and slowly adding different leafy greens, or the alternatives, once you become more comfortable with drinking something green.  But once you taste it you will realize they are tasty and I was not lying! One of the greatest things about the green smoothie habit is that not only is it easy to establish, it naturally and gradually helps you change bad eating habits. You will soon be craving a green smoothie rather then a bag of chips! It’s an excellent first step towards a healthier you.

Greens make about 40-50% of a green smoothie, but you can start with less and build the ratio up slowly at your own rate.  


1 handful lettuce leaves, 1 handful mint, 4 bananas, 1/2 cup water

4-5 kale leaves, 4 apples, 1/2 lemon juiced, water

Choc-mint – 2 cups spinach, 10-12 mint leaves, 3 bananas, 2 Tbs. carob powder, 1 cup water

1 handful wild greens (e.g. dandelion), 1 small handful mint leaves, 3 cups honeydew melon

1/2 bunch romaine lettuce, 1 cup strawberries, 2 bananas, water

Blend and enjoy!

Alternative with Spirulina-

You can blend up your ripe fruit with ½ - 1 tablespoon of spirulina and receive all the benefits of leafy greens in a much more convenient form. Build up your spirulina dosage gradually though (start with 1 teaspoon).

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