Thursday, September 22, 2011

Feel good post- breakup!

Can't sleep at night? Wondering what went wrong with your last relationship? Asking yourself “what did I do to make him not want me anymore”? We all have had this feeling before - this feeling of rejection - but how does one recover from it? It is hard!

You may miss him and resent him because at one point, you thought he was the "one.” But lets face it; we all hate to be alone! I know I do!! It is hard and scary, and after being with someone for months or even years and then not having that one person to talk to everyday anymore is a huge challenge.

So what can you do to make it easier on YOURSELF? Well, to start, stop thinking those negative thoughts. It was not your fault! Just because he cannot see how wonderful you are does not mean you should forget it! Now say it with me - "It is not my fault! I am a beautiful person inside and out and deserve better for myself!!"

How can you stop feeling down because he hurt you?

First off, do something for you- a manicure/pedicure; spa day for yourself and a close girlfriend; go for a run; take a ZUMBA class to de-stress yourself. Doing something for yourself, like getting a massage or doing some sort of exercise  will release endorphins in the brain that will make you happier. So not only are you enjoying this time to yourself, but your body is getting what it needs and in return you can smile, even if it is just for an hour.

Make a list. Even better - make two. Write a list of all the things he did wrong. Write what didn't you get to say to him because he hung up on you. Write the things that annoyed you while you were together. Call him names. Get nasty! Re-read it. Then tear it up. Breath! Now make a list of things you want to do for yourself. Make a set of goals- 3 of them. Whether it is to quit smoking, loosing weight or finding a new job. Write them down. Now underneath them write some way to make your goals a reality. How you can quit smoking for example- even by cutting down the amount of cigarettes a day, you will be saving yourself! BE REALISTIC.  ‘I will smoke 5 cigarettes instead of 10 today and work my way down.’  Or, ‘I will go on the patch and not cheat this time.’ Whatever it is- make sure you are doing it for yourself. Go over these goals. Re-read the list over and over again. You can do this and you will do this!

Get out of the house! Your body needs the sunlight!
Vitamin D does wonders for the body and the sunlight is the only natural way of getting it! Vitamin D will fight depression, and lets be honest: we are all depressed after a bad break up!

I know that not everyone gets over a breakup at the same speed, but you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start feeling good about yourself.
It is not easy. It is work - but it is worth it! You are worth it! You are always worth it!

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