Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Goals for 2012

I am not the biggest believer in resolutions.  I have tried making them in the past and just end up disappointing myself.  Like in 2005, when I said I would quit smoking just to find myself "sneaking" them on the nights we went out drinking-which happened to be almost every night. What is the point of saying you are going to do something when you find yourself doing the opposite?  
I do not like to continue setting myself up for disappointment, so that is why I do not make resolutions anymore.  Now, I like to make goals for the New Year and I feel like it is something that people should try to do. Instead of saying, “I am not going to do something anymore”, I want to tell myself to “do something new by the end of the year.” I feel everyone should try this just once to see if it works for them.  It definitely makes the year a bit more interesting. You get to prove to yourself that you can do something new or even take pride in the fact that you tried.
I do not have many goals this year because I know how incredibly busy I will be for most of it.  You never want to over-do it or else you won't have relaxation time which is a must as well!
My number one goal this year is for my dream business to become a reality.  I want to encourage children to eat healthier and to teach them the benefits of it. I believe the best way to start off is by contacting places that work with children; i.e. schools, doctor's offices, etc.  This leads to my second goal of the year: make a portfolio of different projects and activities for the different topics and age groups I want to work with.  If I want to start going places, I know people are going to ask me questions. For example. “What will I be doing with the students for the hour?” I would like to have a few different ideas with me to present to the person interviewing me. My last goal for this year is on the business side of things. I would like to work with children at least a few days a week, whether it is one-on-one or doing workshops with a group. I just want the door to open for my future. 
For my personal life, I would like to read a bit more than I did last year.  I love books- the way they smell, the way they feel- anything you can think about a book is what I love about them! I also love sinking into the couch with a glass of wine or cup of hot green tea and start reading a good book! 2011 was extremely busy with school that I didn't have much time to read for fun. This year, I would like to set a goal to read at least 12 new books - considering I repeat some old favorites every now and then, so that makes at least one new book a month.  I would also like to mediate and learn how to relax more than I do now.  I am a person who gets anxious every once in while and there are things that I do not know how to handle the right way, so I would like to work on that for myself and for the people who are around me on a regular basis.
Goals are a good thing to have.  You get to prove to yourself what you are capable of and to me, that is what makes a good New Year!
Hope you all make goals you can keep this year!  Happy 2012 to all.

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