Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Reading the Labels on food

I am the one who usually does the grocery shopping for the house. I know where everything I usually buy is located in the store, I know what to get and what is "healthy" and "not healthy". However, when my fiancée does the shopping, he buys what he reads as "healthy".

The only reason why I believe I know what is healthy is because I am a health conscious person who is going to school to learn about which items on these labels are considered healthy, and what is not healthy.

My fiancée Scott thinks that if it says "all natural", than it has to be good for you. Most people think this as well, and that is why I can not blame him. Society makes us believe that if it says it than it must be true. Well guess again. You have to read in-between the lines.

Companies and corporations want us to believe that they are going "all natural" and even write it on their packages, but what are the ingredients in these foods? Are you reading them? I know my fiancée does not and that is why he is surprised every time when I say, "Why would you buy this?"

When reading labels on food, it has nothing to do with the nutrition facts label. Although you should pay attention to it, it is not the most important thing on the box!

So with this being said, and without me working with you individually, here are some tips for you to use when at the supermarket:

1. The less ingredients the better.

2. Hydrogenated anything is VERY bad for you! It is like poison for your body!

3. If you cannot pronounce an ingredient or it does not look like something that should be in your food, it probably does not, and you should not be eating it.

4. Sugars are bad. That is where most fat comes from, so beware of different sugars and dyes that are added into foods.

Here is a list of words that are on many food labels, but many people may not know what they really mean.  However, they buy it because it looks like it is good for you. You should know what they mean so you know what you are spending your money on!

1. Antibiotic-Free- the following phrases may be seen on food from an animal that was not given antibiotics during its lifetime.

2. Cage-Free- means that the birds are raised without cages. This doesn’t explain whether the birds were raised outdoors on pasture, if they had access to outside, or if they were raised indoors in overcrowded conditions - almost like being in a cage. If you are looking to buy eggs, poultry or meat that was raised outdoors, look for a label that says “Pastured” or “Pasture-raised.”
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3. Fair Trade- means that farmers and workers, often in developing countries, have received a fair wage and worked in decent conditions while growing and packaging the product.

4. Free-Range- the use of the terms “free range” or “free-roaming” are only defined by the USDA for egg and poultry production. The label can be used as long as the producers allow the poultry access to the outdoors so they are able to engage in natural behaviors. It does not necessarily mean that the products are cruelty-free, antibiotic-free or that the animals spent the majority of their time outdoors. Claims are defined by the USDA, but are not verified by third-party inspectors.

5. GMO-Free, non-GMO, or No GMOs- products can be labeled “GMO-Free” if they are produced without being genetically engineered through the use of GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Genetic engineering is the process of transferring specific traits or genes from one organism into a different plant or animal.

6. Grain-Fed- animals raised on a diet of grain are labeled “grain-fed.” Check the label for “100 Percent Vegetarian Diet,” to ensure the animals were given feed containing no animal by-products.

7. Grass-Fed- this means the animal was fed grass rather than grain. They should not be supplemented with grain, animal by-products, synthetic hormones, or given antibiotics to promote growth or prevent disease, although they may have been given antibiotics to treat disease. A “grass-fed” label doesn't mean the animal necessarily ate grass its entire life. Some grass-fed cattle are “grain-finished,” which means they ate grain from a feedlot prior to slaughter.

8. Healthy- foods labeled “healthy” must be low in fat and saturated fat and contain limited amounts of cholesterol and sodium. Certain foods must also contain at least 10 percent of one or more of vitamins A or C, iron, calcium, protein or fiber.

9. Heritage- A "heritage" label describes a rare and endangered breed of livestock and crops. Heritage animals are prized for their rich taste, and they usually contain a higher fat content than commercial breeds. These animals are considered purebreds and a specific breed near extinction. Production standards are not required by law, but true heritage farmers use sustainable production methods. This method of production saves animals from extinction and preserves genetic diversity.

10. Hormone-Free- the USDA has prohibited use of the term “Hormone Free,” but animals that were raised without added growth hormones can be labeled “No Hormones Administered” or “No Added Hormones.” By law, hogs and poultry cannot be given any hormones. If the products are not clearly labeled, ask your farmer or butcher to ensure that the meats you are buying are free from hormones.

11. Natural- currently, no standards exist for this label except when used on meat and poultry products. USDA guidelines state that “natural” meat and poultry products can only undergo minimal processing and cannot contain artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives or other artificial ingredients. However, “natural” foods are not necessarily sustainable, organic, humanely raised, or free of hormones and antibiotics.

12. Non-Irradiated- this label means that the food has not been exposed to radiation. Meat and vegetables are sometimes irradiated to kill micro-organisms and reduce the number of microbes present due to unsanitary practices. No thorough testing has been done to know if irradiated food is safe for human consumption.

13. Pasture-Raised- “Pasture-raised” indicates that the animal was raised on a pasture and that it ate grasses and food found in a pasture, rather than being fattened on grain in a feedlot or barn. Pasturing livestock and poultry is a traditional farming technique that allows animals to be raised in a humane manner. This term is very similar to “grass-fed,” though the term “pasture-raised” indicates more clearly that the animal was raised outdoors on pasture.

14. Organic- all organic agricultural farms and products must meet the following guidelines (verified by a USDA- approved independent agency):

- Abstain from the application of prohibited materials (including synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and sewage sludge) for 3 years prior to certification and then continually throughout their organic license.

- Prohibit the use of genetically modified organisms and irradiation.

- Employ positive soil building, conservation, manure management and crop rotation practices.

- Provide outdoor access and pasture for livestock.

- Refrain from antibiotic and hormone use in animals.

- Sustain animals on 100% organic feed.

- Avoid contamination during the processing of organic products.
- Keep records of all operations.
If a product contains the "USDA Organic" seal, it means that 95 to 100 percent of its ingredients are organic. Products with 70 to 95 percent organic ingredients can still advertise “organic” ingredients on the front of the package, and products with less than 70 percent organic ingredients can identify them on the side panel. Organic foods prohibit the use of hydrogenation and trans fats.

15. rBGH-Free or rBST-Free- rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) is a genetically engineered growth hormone that is injected into dairy cows to artificially increase their milk production. The hormone has not been properly tested for safety. Milk labeled “rBGH-Free” is produced by dairy cows that never received injections of this hormone.
Organic milk is rBGH free. (rBST stands for recombinant bovine somatotropin.)

The source this came from is

Knowing what labels mean is half the battle in the supermarket! I hope this helps for your next trip there!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Organic foods on a budget

Organic eating is the way to go, or so we have been hearing for the past few years.  But do all foods really have to be organic?  I mean it is expensive for those who are on a tight budget to buy EVERYTHING organic.

Organic food is known to contain 50% more nutrients, minerals and vitamins than produce that has been intensively farmed. An average apple has more than 30 pesticides that will enter your body once consumed.  That is DISGUSTING to think about.  Why would anyone want to actually put those pesticides and chemicals in their body?  The answer could possibly be because people do not know about the nasty things they are putting in their bodies, and people also do not know which foods should absolutely be organic and which ones can be average. 

Not only are organic foods better for you nutritionally but they effect your body and everyday life as well.  Once you start changing your diet and adding organic foods into it your whole body will start thanking you. Eating organic foods will make you feel better emotionally, mentally, physically, and spirituality. Not only will you feel better but your body will have more energy to do the everyday things that you use to be so tired doing!

Even though it is better for your body, I do know how hard it can be on your wallet to buy all organic food.  So if you can not buy all organic here is a list of the 12 foods that should always be organic in your house hold- (from

1.  Celery
2. Peaches
3. Strawberries
4. Apples
5. Blueberries
6. Nectarines
7. Bell Peppers
8. Spinach
9. Kale
10. Cherries
11. Potatoes
12. Grapes
Known as the dirty dozen, buying these fruits and vegetables organic will save you and your body from chemicals and pesticides that are regularly found in these fruits and vegetables.  

Now to save some money here is a list known as the clean 15.  You can buy things that are not organic and be okay! (from

1.  Onion
2. Avocado
3. Sweet corn
4. Pineapple
5. Mango
6. Asparagus
7. Sweet peas
8. Kiwi
9. Cabbage
10. Eggplant
11. Papaya
12. Watermelon
13. Broccoli
14. Tomatoes
15. Sweet Potatoes

So if you need to stay on budget now you know the foods that should absolutely be organic in your kitchen.  The rest can be the regular stuff you buy normally now.  Just beware of what you are putting in your body.  If your body does not feel the best that it can, try adding in some organic foods and see if that will make a difference! I promise that it will!